Comprehensive exam

We will complete an evaluation of your mouth, we’ll check your teeth, bones, and gums — we want to make sure nothing is missed.

There's a good reason why you probably won't receive a teeth cleaning at your first appointment: Once we see the big picture, we’ll talk with you about anything we see and create your care plan. It could be returning for a denture fitting, it could be solving for a broken tooth, or it could be scheduling a cleaning.

Even cleanings need a customized approach, and we’ll plan for that. Of course, if you come in with pain, we’ll care for that. Again, it’s all about YOU and what your mouth needs.

This initial comprehensive exam is a no-risk way to learn the status of your oral health, and to learn how your Aspen Dental team can help you. If you want a second opinion, no problem – you can obtain a copy of your exam results and x-rays at no charge.

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