
Dental Hygiene | Keep Your Teeth Healthy


Great oral health means comfort. It means affordable, conservative dental work and better health overall.

Dental hygiene is a critical part of healthcare, so we make it a priority at Mint Dental. We want to help you establish a dental hygiene routine that works for you, both in-office and at-home.

With regular dental hygiene appointments and committed at-home care, you will maintain healthy, white, and functional teeth. If you have any questions about your current hygiene plan, don’t hesitate to ask!

Our experienced dentists and team are committed to your smile, oral health and comfort. We provide personalized dentistry and want you to leave our office feeling like the best version of yourself.

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Do You Have Healthy Teeth?

 A healthy smile looks something like this:

  • Pink gums that do not hurt or bleed when you clean your teeth
  • Generally good breath, instead of chronic bad breath
  • Your teeth are clean and free of debris
  • You do not feel any pain or sensitivity in your teeth

The three keys to keeping a bright and healthy smile include:

  1. Visiting your dentist at least twice yearly
  2. Brushing twice daily for two minutes
  3. Using dental floss daily

Consistent Cleanings And Exams

With regular dental hygiene visits, you can always stay on top of your oral health needs. Some of these needs may be invisible, and even symptom-free. Only your dentist has the tools to detect some issues that may lie beneath the surface.

Some of the reasons to come in for regular preventative visits include:

  • Oral cancer screenings
  • Decay and disease assessment
  • Bite and joint health check-in
  • Discussion of hygiene habits

With regular visits, you can stay on top of decay, disease, infection, and cancer. The earlier you receive treatment for any of these complications, the easier recovery will be.

Balancing Your Health

With the right combination of in-office and at-home dental hygiene, you can keep your overall health balanced. By staying aware of your oral health, you are giving yourself a longer life and a greater sense of wellbeing.

We would love to answer all of your questions about dental hygiene and other services. To learn more, visit Mint Dental today.

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Why Choose Us

Personalized Attention

Experience personalized attention from our doctors with each visit.

Our Professional Team

From the first visit you’ll experience prompt scheduling of appointments, find plenty of time to have your questions answered by our doctors and you’ll enjoy our professional and organized team.

We Speak English & Spanish

Se habla Español! We can communicate with our patients in both English and Spanish.

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